Commercial and Audiobook Demo Reel - 2020

Profile photo for Kieran Barton
Not Yet Rated


A demo including parts of an Audiobook and two commercial roles.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Holmes drove in silence with his head sunk upon his breast and the air of a man who was lost in thought while I sat beside him, curious to learn what this new quest might be, which seemed to tax his powers so sorely and yet afraid to break in upon the current of his thoughts. We've driven several miles and are beginning to get to the fringe of the belt to the suburban villas when he shook himself, shrugged his shoulders and lit up his pipe with an air of a man who was satisfied himself that he is acting for the best. You have a grand gift of silence, Watson said. He it makes you quite invaluable as a companion on my word. It is a great thing for me to have someone to talk to, for. My own thoughts are not over pleasant. I was wondering what I should say to this deal is for a woman tonight, when she meets me at the door, you forget that I know nothing about it. I shall just have to tell you the facts of the case before we get to leave. It seems absurdly simple, and yet somehow I could get nothing to go upon. There's plenty of thread, no doubt, but I can't get to the end of it in my head. Now I'll state the case clearly and concisely to your Watson, and maybe you can see the spark where all is dark to me. To get to the active programme a window, ensure that you maximise your viewfinder. You can find this over near the icon where your I P address is located. Once you navigate your active programme, ensure you are logged into the main console, using the user name and password provided to you in your email upon registration. Should she be unsuccessful at this stage, head on over to www dot Science Inc Backslash Help me. The Korean War, forever known as the forgotten War by many, lasted a total of 1127 days from June 25th 1950 through July 27th 1953 a total of 38 months, a little over three years in length, but encompassing four years on a calendar with the beginning that was unlike any other beginning of a war. Up until then, the term police action became its moniker for many years, with some in the United States and other countries looking to call it anything other than what it really wass.