Former radio news and sports anchor, commercial radio work

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News and sports anchor for 30 years in the San Francisco Bay Area. Able to do commercials, audio books, voice mail systems. Sample is my news work but will give you an idea of my voice.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's 10 03 at the Bay Area's news station KCBS morning overcast at the coast clearing to sunny skies this afternoon. A full forecast just ahead good morning in for Rebecca corral. I'm kim Foster here is what's happening at this hour. More money than what's ever been allocated to. Fire recovery and prevention will be coming to local governments in the state. KCBS is Scotland terry reports on the approval of millions for a new fire reality California lawmakers enacting a nearly I'm scott lottery KCBS turns out there were over a dozen suspicious fires set in santa rosa over the weekend. And with the weather turning warm again this week, investigators are wasting no time tracking down a possible firebug. We get details on that story now from KCBS Reporter Holocaust 13 fires over to it's 12 03 at the Bay Area's news station. Key CBS sunny and hot today. Even a warmer tomorrow of a full forecast for you just ahead in for Rebecca corral today. Good afternoon. I'm Kim Foster. Here's what's happening at this hour. Triple digit temperatures are prompting people in contra Costa County to be creative in order to beat the heat. KCBS is bob. Butler joins us live to report. Some are getting up early, some are staying inside and some are just suffering. Hope you're not suffering bob right now. I'm not suffering kim but fire crews are on the scene of a two alarm grass fire in the area of 2 81 oh one and alimony joining us live now on the KCBS news line is lieutenant Jonathan Baxter with san Francisco fire. Thanks so much for joining us this afternoon. What's the latest?