National Radio Ad - LG - Electronics - Energetic - Casual - Real

Radio Ad


Voice for the Ad 'Too Many Fans' for LG. National radio spot.

LG - Electronics - HVAC - Casual - Character

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
man, I can barely hear anything with all these fans blowing. I know I need a new H Vac system but I haven't been able to look yet. Well don't suffer with noise and heat. All you need to do is go to LG comfort zone dot com and find your closest LG pro dealer to get a modern H Vac system for your home. L G. I thought they only made TVs, refrigerators and stuff. Yeah, they do make those that they also make innovative H Vac systems that are effective and efficient, which is good for your wallet and comfort. Plus you get a whole different level of smart home integration with other connected LG products through their thin Q app, including applicable L G H Vac systems. How many other H Vac brands can say that, hey, where are you going to give my fans and ears arrest? I'm calling my local LG pro dealer today. No need to be uncomfortable indoors this summer visit LG comfort zone dot com today to find rebate information and LG pro dealers in your area. That's LG comfort zone dot com.