Egg Commercial

Television Ad


The whole idea was to sound excited, authentic and picture chickens frolicking in a field while talking.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is a pasture. So is this and this And this And this and this. These pastors are all unhappy egg farms at Happy Egg. We've built all of our farms based on our founders. Four decades of free range farming experience each farming practices based on years and years of research and experimentation all focused on one thing. What is best for the birds? We use words to describe it on our website and on our packaging. But we thought the best way for you to understand what free range hens pasture raised on over eight acres actually looks like is to see it for yourself. We do all this work so you never have to worry about the eggs you buy. You can focus on what matters most to you. Happy egg. Always choose happy.