Comedy Club Commercial

Profile photo for Roger Nesser
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


I wrote and recorded this commercial as well as did the voce over. Vocal sand by other

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Are you looking for laughter in life? Are you trying to find excitement? Do you want to laugh so hard? You split your sides wide open. Do you enjoy laughing until it hurts for your total entertainment? Marvin Mango Presents, Just Rolling. Just Rolling Comedy show has one goal to have you rolling over with laughter. Marvin Mango presents some of the best comedic geniuses in stand up, determined to find laughter in life. So let's live. Just Rolling. Comedy show is not responsible. If you actually do have a heart attack or stroke or laugh so hard, you pee on yourself and require a diaper or a second change of clothes. Just Rolling comedy show will not supply diapers. If you pee your pants, I'm just rolling, telling nothing. You got me rolling. Just rolling. Rolling. Rolling. Rolling y'all. Don't got me rolling. I'm just rolling. Rolling. Rolling. Rolling y'all. Don't got me rolling. I'm just rolling. Rolling.