Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Kurt Warren
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


This demo introduces Kurt's repertoire in voicing a variety of commercials with different cadences, structures, and usability.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
No matter where the road takes you, you'll be ready in the all new RAV four. Let's go, please Listen, guys, you don't have to put up with shape irritation. Gillette Skin Guard was designed specifically for guys with sensitive skin so you could get the shame you deserve the best a man can get. If you only take shortcuts, you'll only go so far. Here it Jack Daniels. We take the long way, never cutting corners and always go in the extra mile. That's Jack's way. Jack Daniels, two of everything isn't always a great idea, but to bacon, egg and cheese. Curse on sandwiches for five bucks. That's a different story. Duncan go tubes America runs on Dunkin. I can't say I wanted to ever come here, but being here with the level of care they're giving my son, there isn't a single place that rather bay. Thank you, ST Jude. How do you make your decisions about technology based on advertising? Flare counting? The number of likes are based on real stuff like battery, power, speed and value. The new surface laptop from Microsoft