Kyle Shive - Video Narration

Video Narration


Some video narration work!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In J. R. A's. First month, three volunteers delivered food to 19 homes. But the need was great. So the next month eight volunteers delivered to 37 homes. But the need was great. This is my clinic and these packages are my patients. I am the front line of patient care. This is my operating room. I am power, innovative ideas that shape the future of health care. Every person, no matter where they come from, what they dream of or who they are becoming, deserves a chance to tell their story and the support to celebrate their stories. In 2010, the California asian pacific Chamber of Commerce was founded to give a voice to more than half a million a. A. P. I. Or minority owned businesses and the Golden State.