Freaky, Wacky, and Goofy Animation Character Demo



Charles St. Anthony embodies several characters including a freakshow circus ringmaster, romantic French casanova, pirate's parrot, uptight posh British royal minister, and a kitty cat who's hopped up on catnip.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) French (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
step right up. Step right up. Hurry! Hurry way! Have the freaks. We have the bearded lady. We have the elephants. We have lions. We have monkeys out the Wa Zoo. And now the divan on the trap. Ease the mistress of the Towering Heights. Welcome to the stage, Sasha Didn't know show. Um uppity shoot. My little way should go over. It is a B to mass. Say a visit to the cathedral. What? I shall take you to a clash with the ***** on. We shall. Yes. Under the sun before we proceed to it. Live captive IC eight ships. Ally for batting down the hatches. Crew is planning mutiny on your shift. It is with utmost pleasure to be beckoned by Your Royal Highness to Kensington Palace for the Duchess of Cornwall's Garden Party. I do indeed, long to encounter the Duchess of Cambridge to discuss the state of our mutual Quite Ids. The Duchess of Sussex that you got me going out of control. Somebody's Oh, that's sticky, icky, kidnapped. She looks like a really perfect catch