Podcast ... Little Limbaugh, Little FM, Little NPR



I write, perform and produce.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
T C L V O S Le circle. I'm T C. And this is your dose of thought provoking topics about life, law and law enforcement. Be sure to send any comments suggestions or just drop me a line at tom at Tcl veoh dot com Brexit. Fresh off the ap wire the Seattle public school district has filed and I quote a novel lawsuit against social media giants such as Tiktok instagram facebook Youtube and Snapchat quoting once again to hold them accountable for the mental health crisis among youth. Hmm, 91 pages On paper to 91 billion pages on the social media sphere, citing worsening mental health and behavioral disorders, cyberbullying, etc. It is alleged that it is too difficult to educate students. As a result, the schools have to hire additional mental health professionals, develop lesson plans about the effects of social media and provide additional training for teachers news. Maybe essentially as it is coming from a blue district in a blue state. Odd given all the freedom of speech to teach topics that have some parents dare I say, turning blue as in blue in the face at some of the content already prescribed in the curriculum. Who on earth is at fault for this. Ultimately it's the parents they do after all by the phones. How about checking phones at the door and focusing on math for a change And before we get too on top of the parents know that not only do they use their phones for communications, but some post some pretty odd things on social media themselves. Why I bet you're using your smartphone to listen to this podcast Squeeze too hard and kids will just find a new social media provider. There are something like 17 plus mainstream social media platforms with at least 4.74 billion active users. Facebook alone has over 2.9 billion monthly active users. I think more excellence and dedication. And maybe those old phones with those soy li coyly curly cords and a big old phone book and a safe and time limits for smartphones may indeed be the land of the lost solution. Mental exercise matters and a little less Mark Zuckerberg and a little more jerry Lucas should be in order. Who is jerry Lucas? He memorized 50 pages of the new york city phone book in one sitting In 1973, twitter me that more later.