Narration Samples



This particular demo highlights my authentic voice using various people, places and things as topics.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
5000 years ago, humans viewed horses this food, not partners. But sometime over the next few centuries that began to change. Horses were used to pro chariots, leading to a rapid increase in economic productivity while allowing people to travel long distances in much less time. This marks a turning point for human civilization. As a child, Morgan Freeman loved going to the movies during the week. He would do whatever he could to make money washing windows, delivering newspapers. Also, he could see his heroes on screen. Gary Cooper, Spencer Tracy and Sidney, 48. Little did he know, but one day he would join their ranks as one of America's greatest actors. Writing a 300 page novel can seem pretty daunting, but if you create a solid plan, you can finally get that book written. Start by creating an outline and be sure to answer a few key questions. What does your main character want? What stands in her way once the event that gets the story moving In a world where every forest leaves toe a highway and where every beach leads to a resort, there's something special about Alaska. Here you can climb mountains that no one has ever climbed before. You can walk trails that have never seen a human foot, and you can view landscapes that haven't changed in 1000 years. It's no wonder they call this place the last frontier.