Podcasting Demo - Warm - Articulate - Conversational - Genuine - Knowledgeable - Believable - Informative - Instructor - Engaging - Sincere - Confident

Profile photo for Leah Arscott
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


This demo has been described as Warm - Articulate - Conversational - Genuine - Knowledgeable - Believable - Informative - Instructor - Engaging - Sincere - Confident

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
another chain say they have the meats or brag about their flame grilled taste. Or maybe they have a creepy clown to entertain the kids. Wendy's meats are USDA choice, but we use a flame grilled, too, in our mascot is a little girl in pigtails twenties. Real food. No creepy. You decide. We trained for them. For him, for mom, who's fighting another pink ribbon battle, which she needs our help to win way trained for the people who count on us. We are Nike. Our 20th anniversary and another business trip found the perfect gift in Dubai. Way too big for my baggage allowance that X got there before even landed smile on his face. Thanks, FedEx The redesign. C class from Mercedes Benz. Luxury for the whole family Bill Just standing there in Aisle six. Foie gras. He doesn't know what it is. What it's on our list, and there were six different kinds. So he stands there five minutes. Become 10 then 15. You'll help him eventually. Your job is a store associate, but for now you'll just observe Bill