Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Leo Fialho
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Commercial Demo in English showcasing several samples for television and radio commercials, including one in Brazilian Portuguese.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
That's right. Three months of no payments on popular Volkswagen models like the Jetta, Tiguan, G. L. I, atlas and atlas Cross Sport. Only my stage to davinci Quattro sports gear. They are out there waiting to be discovered. We find them in places where we least expect they come to us when we change our perspective. If you can think it, they can shrink it. Hey honey, I shrunk the key wrong direction. My friend, we're never alone and that is our strength because we're doubted. Well, work has won. This badge signifies a promise, A promise to deliver the best or nothing for details, visit your local Mercedes. Benz dealer or Mercedes dot com.