
Profile photo for Liana Jamison
Not Yet Rated


Recorded in Seattle w/ Troy Lund in a pro studio and had such a blast working on this material. Exploration and playful mindset was key.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to our home Away from home. For what it's worth, I'm nesa that great slab of meat you dispatched That was hillock. And you're lucky. Easy and stronger exiles than you. Still you rid us of a curse than we owe you ever thinks Well, ring around the rosy. A pocketful of Spears Thought you'd be pretty foxy, didn't you? Oh, good morning, Clouds eu cute little ball of cloud fluff you You wanna go outside? Okay, I'm coming. Wow! That storm is rolling in rather quickly because you sure you want to go outside right now? Corporal, you and the rest of the team will hold this position and wait for the others. Don't engage hostels unless you have Thio. You see the game last night? Goodness me. No need to look so put out. Don't you know that ladies always go first? I've traveled the galaxy far and wide with my Lumia friends and we visit this wonderful planet once in a blue moon. Now let us fly into the dark heart of Bowser territory and rescue Princess P o