Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Liana Sanders
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Compilation commercial demo highlighting voice talent.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
to the adventurers, the romantics and the biggest dreamers in the world. Welcome to California. Here you'll be surrounded with stunning scenery, amazing playgrounds and fascinating history. I don't remember it being like this when I was a kid but now just listen to him. Ever since they got their crane drop air humidifiers, they said they've been sleeping like this, waking up, rested, energized and radiant after a perfect night's sleep at Ally Bank. This is how we do things right now. We're offering 2.2% A. P. Y. On all online savings accounts which is 18 times the rate of the bank. You're right now I start to crash. Oh God just unplug it buddy. So what do I do? I reach for some five hour energy drink and everything feels manageable. Now where were we? You taste so wonderful whether you're chocolate, peanut butter ice cream or caramel, soft tip bar Hagen das, I adore you. You are forbidden slow churned ice cream like none other and all day. Every day when you need a boost, spend $3 on coffee and you'll get three coffees. Because Cumberland coffee is only a dollar. Think about that. Come to your company senses and have a comfy day only at Cumberland farms. This is leana Sanders. Thanks for listening.