Explainer Video - Female Instructor, Conversational, Real Person



This Explainer Demo talks about psychological concepts in an easy to understand, cute, and fun way. Written by Lillian Field, with actual quotes from Psychology Today.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I am not a hoarder. I'm an artist. The magazines Psychology today says there might be a fine line between the two. What many hoarders consider themselves? Artists and art supplies comprise a large part of many hoards. People who hoard often come up with idea after idea, saving things for all kinds of creative reasons, but never following through with those plans. They have become victims of own creativity. So it could be said hoarding is saving a bag of fake ivy. Your neighbor asked if you want it before they throw it in the trash because maybe someday you'll find a use for it and art is taking that bag of ivy, adding some fake flowers and decorating that blank wall in your office. I love that.