Online Ad Compilation - Feminine, Quirky, Serious, and Fun

Online Ad


A compilation of internet videos and commercials Lillian voiced in 2022, ranging from fun kid's birthday parties to a more serious military spot.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We've cracked the code to aerodynamics and even found time to invent glow in the dark toilet paper. But using grandma's Tupperware, how is that still a thing? Good luck getting those stains out. Being an electronics technician means you can fix and operate everything from cutting edge weapon systems to advanced search radar. Electronics technicians are responsible for the installation, maintenance, repair and management. Take a mental inventory of what you want certain areas of your life to look like in the future, your relationships, your work and social life where you'd like to travel or anything related to education or your health. Then it's a matter of finding visuals, your brain can subconsciously feast on once your board is fully assembled party supplies. Correct. Game cards loaded. Birthday guests just arrived, food and drinks. Taken care of. Birthday party. Success. Absolutely.