

With a BA in THEATER, and experience in IMPROV, I LOVE to do character work! This was an IMPROV session on the fly to showcase a range of ages, male and female.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh, you poor dear EU best have brought the jacket lest you catch a cold here warm yourself by the fire. I fear that I shall ruin my beautiful wood floors if I step on them with my wet boots Don't be foolish. Grab yourself a chair and warm yourself by the fire. No use of getting sick this time of year. You catch a fever just like the other kids did at school. And my very best friend She did not return after her fever and I fear she is dead. Dead child do not speak of such ill things. We do not want it to ruin the night that we have planned. We do not speak of those things ever. If I hear of such horrible things coming out of your mouth again, I shall send you up to the addict to have your dinner with the mice. Oh, please don't be harsh to the little one on my behalf. I'm fine to stand here. I can feel the warmth of the flames all the way here at the threshold. Well, at least have yourself a couple of this bra. It will help you ward off the illness She's right, you know. Been soaking them bones for a week. Now she is, and they taste like dirty feet to I hate the bone broth. Find child. They'll drink the bone broth, but then you might end up like your friends at school. And how would you like that? I'd love it if I could have a governess like Miss Eyre, for she would treat me kindly. What? Jane Eyre. Do you honestly think that she would come here and governor of you?