Lisa Marie Jones Commercial and Promo Demo

Profile photo for Lisa Marie Jones
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


This demo provides two samples of commercials and one sample of a Promo. The first commercial is for a wine, the second commercial is for a mental health smart device app, and the promo is for the state of Utah.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Woodbridge by Robert Mondavi. Pairs with cancelled plans with memory lane and with rained out afternoons crafted for over 30 years and perfect for everyday Woodbridge. By Robert Mondavi. Pairs with Today Take a moment to breathe to feel calm, focused, more present happy. That's where headspace gets you. With just a few minutes of meditation and mindfulness every day, you can show your mind some love. Whenever you need it. Get some head space for yourself. Try the app for free. Now in an unpredictable time, Utah's desert remains quiet, still unchanged in a time of confinement. It offers vast open space. The desert calls us with a whisper. It welcomes us with openness. Utah. Here we heal.