Excerpt from Montessori Toddler Discipline



Reading of a chapter on Empathy and Compassion in the Montessori classroom environment.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
empathy and compassion. Unlike traditional educational systems, Monastery places high emphasis on empathy and compassion. This is because real life practical skills and culture and community are taught which both involved. Real interaction and learning through connection. This is not suggesting that traditional or mainstream school does not teach the importance of empathy or compassion, just that there is a fundamental difference between the applications of the curriculums. Social interactions and emotional connection are an integral part of montessori meaning that morals and ethics come naturally into approaches to learning. Even academic subjects like math, reading, writing and language have an empathetic and moral tone as in everyday life which is portrayed and expressed through practical life exercises. Human connection is present. This brings an element of authenticity and community to Monastery education and approaches to learning and development in place Furthermore, a substantial element to a child's development is defined in a stage three developmental cycle development of personality and earth Children suggesting that empathy and compassion towards others is an inherent part of a child's true nature. Teach compassion, teaching compassion through activities and exercises which involve love and respect for animals and ecosystems is a great and effective way to enhance your child's empathetic nature. Many Children are already naturally empathetic, it is the world and some of the societal practices and structures in play that make them less. So we are born with a natural sensitivity and compassion towards sentient creatures and this is often displayed through many acts of compassion shown by young Children feeling genuine sadness and empathy towards animals, questioning the consumption of eating them and being able to feel plants and other nature on a deep level are all common occurrences. The Monastery framework is ideal for developing this natural compassion and connecting to a child's empathetic nature, practicing kindness, practicing and acknowledging kindness in the classroom or environment you have created for learning and activity is another prominent way to develop empathy. This can be done by offering praise where appropriate and words of support and encouragement such as that was nice of you, that was very thoughtful and considerate or it was very kind of you to do this remember you are a guide for your child or Children. So being supportive of efforts through verbal recognition will further increase the kindness and compassion. They are already exhibiting. Try not to overdo it though as too much attention to the natural kind and empathetic displays can have the opposite effect, bringing focus to your child's pride and praise as opposed to the acts. They are engaging in being respectful. It is right to suggest that learning by example is one of the most effective ways to learn, showing respect and treating your child as a young adult or an equal is possibly one of the most powerful ways to be an example of empathy, showing respect to others. Learning material things in your environment and other humans. Plants and animals will be a direct influence of your child or Children. Young Children are natural sponges until the age of six as they are still very much in the absorbent mind, picking up on all sensory and external data and information. They learn through observation and reflection, mirroring back your actions, speech and approach to life and others. A little bit of courtesy and compassion goes a long way. Look to dr monasteries, teachings in the words of Maria montessori. The study of love and its utilization will lead us to the source from which it springs the child.