Characters - voices for Animation , Video Games and more



A trio of Characters - larger than life voices for Animation , Video Games - and communications of any kind that are seeking to break the usual mould .

Vocal Characteristics




British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
also it ghost did. It was floating around all spooky like I think it touched me. I got all cold and shivery. I wanted to scream, but when I open my mouth, all I could manage was a little squeak. I thought he was gonna eat my brains or something. Oh, wait. That somebody's in it when he was gonna do whatever go stew to me. Ah, good morning. Good morning. Good morning. And a hearty welcome to the one and only cry angle Wrangles Hat Hotel. I offer you a wide variety of accommodation, all of which is glorious Galoob, alias and genteel and available to you at all prices from the reasonable to the ridiculous. Dear Edward, I have just finished a letter to Patterson Brothers who have long provided us with these enormous turkey's Marjorie adores. Last Thursday, however, this centres a £30 turkey with not only the standard human baby size legs, but with a tiny undeveloped bosom and signs of having been frozen somewhere on this journey to our table