British Accent Demo - English - Warm, Friendly, Witty

Profile photo for Liz Fodor
Talent Online
Acheivement Badges Superstar
Video Narration


Self-produced. Documentary, Commercial, Animation, Videogame, Explainer

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Blackbeard was a wildly successful and rich pirate and the location of his largest and most prized ship, some believe means his vast fortune must have been located nearby on the North Carolina coast before he died. Blackbeard was questioned about the location of his gold leading him to say only I in the devil. No. And I believe that's exactly how he sounded, but perhaps more piratey hear the birds of the Arctic race down to the sea often with little regard for other safety proving that even penguins can be absolute pricks slip the surly tethers of the working day and learn that how you go can often bring more satisfaction than where Mercedes Benz. I hear the endless forest. Now, if you'll just sign here here and here. Thank you. Are you scared by the storm too? I think we should read a story in the olden days. There lived a king whose daughters were all beautiful, but the youngest of them was even lovelier than the others. That's it. You're now fully prepped and ready to move on to phase two with both the history of Swift three D and it's prescribed workflow in your back. Pocket. You're set to begin your rapid climb to veteran Swift Three D status. Now have at it seriously. That's it. Now, get along shoo.