Villain, Princess, Characters, Wise Woman


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the team has turned their backs on me. I was the true leader of our group long ago. Why did you abandon me now? When I am broken, you all will be greatly for this. Just watch. Just watch. I uh huh. They'll all laugh at me when they hear that I lost my wand. Oh, I have to find it. The wondrous was that Can't be that bad, can it? Maybe something can help me. Oh, thank goodness. I totally forgot about my potion. That'll do the trick. Now off to the woods. I go. I know you don't understand Your powers passed down from Anna Touma. But you will. You you have the power of the Great King. Never possess you are the ray of light off hope for our people Don't ever forget when you close your eyes I will be there to guide you. Listen, Gonna need some gear. I got some armor that would really help, but I'm not just giving it away for free. You have to do something for me first