* Commercial VO Demo Full *

Profile photo for Loni Kappus
Acheivement Badges Rising Star
Television Ad


* Commercial VO Demo Full *

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So what makes a Honda Honda humble exterior. Never judge a book by its cover. Cutting edge features and performance. Oh and the capability to amaze I think that's it. I prefer chic, not geek and simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Apple think different. Elevate your shopping game and find the perfect gift for every gamer on your list. Gamestop power to the players. The taste says regular, the label says diet. Yeah, let's keep this our little secret diet dr pepper. There's nothing like a pepper If you let me play, I will like myself more. I'll have more confidence. I'll be 60% less likely to get breast cancer. I'll learn what it means to be strong. I am a Nike woman. Let's get out there and play you hustle and bustle. You move and shake your all give and very little take. I need to get away. We saved you a seat Southwest Airlines. It's time for a little you. Time. Put your money where the miracles are and give our kids every chance to get better. Children's miracle Network Hospital. Give a miracle as a busy mom. I'm always on the lookout for time savers. Don't forget your lunch. Speaking of lunch, the new Safeway app has been a dream come true with all the weekly deals and rewards. I save time and money mom, Where's my backpack? Your backpack is already on your back, sweetie, is there an app for that