Gaming Reel

Profile photo for Lisa Ronaghan
Not Yet Rated


A variety of clips for different genres of game.

Vocal Characteristics




British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Captain. The mine fields. I have eyes. Callahan send engineers to set up a level 12 to full shield while we attempt to. Alba knew broad talking. Captain. Glory of the Jovian fleet of regrouping their weapons charge aimed of bridge attack imminent. Ever Any good news? Trixie and I are to be married. I meant with the shoot. Jovial, fleeting, within range of our weapons. Good fire at will. There she is! Over there. I've been watching her for three days. No one comes. No one goes. She just spends her time collecting spells and caging them her magical chest. Have you seen the magical chest? It's her name, I think. A family heirloom from the Great King. Wise more. Oh wo wo slow down work. Did you see what smell Shoes? Capture that I did. Well, I did. For some, not for others. Somewhere great big world changing magics. The others will just be enough to cast a little doubt in someone's mind. For what I could see, she keeps them in different compartments in the magical chest, the large ones to the big smiles on their little ones For the four smooth right. How do you know Mom, I'm scared. Everything's gonna be okay. They get you just for a short while longer Sun will be up against I fired up the door. Nothing is getting in here. Come give your mama cut way with from the Admiralty. Inspector. What? We wish to thank you for your continued dedication to the cause and your sacrifice tone. ********. Don't want area like it. Find it. See, then what's to know? We haven't seen daylight in wakes. That's why I find it. So then on may poisoning everyone to your stations.