Joe Satriani Anthology SongBook

Profile photo for Luis Bonilla
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This is an excerpt of an interview to Joe Satrini, in wich he is been asked about his leraning process during his teenage years.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) Spanish (Latino)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
joe satriani ontology Songbook. Apart from what he told you about general musicianship, was it easy for you to transfer the more technical music theory, type things to the guitar? Not really. When I think of something theoretical like the pitch axis theory, I learned enough to pass the test in the class to show him that I understood what he was teaching at the time. I was 16 years old and playing in bars, high school dances, clubs and restaurants. I was struggling to be able to pull off what was required. The stones. Let's settle in Hendrix Black Savage entry tool, great stuff. Great guitar players. It took almost all of your concentration to pull it off well enough so people would like your band. So the theory was separate. It took me a while to get out of that. In between 11 and 12th grade I took a trip to California armed with recently learned theory and had a burst of musical understanding during off my five hour practice sessions.