TV Commercials

Television Ad


Here's a small sample of VOs I've provided for television commercials. These spots were performed under the direction of producers or directors and most were completed outside of my own studio. These clips were laid over visuals being shown onscreen.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I've got to be stronger. I've got to be faster, quicker every day. My opponent trains hard, so every day I trained a little harder and smarter. They can be found on the public courses and in the country clubs teeing off early, walking the course, ending the round and dusk. Knowing the par on the last hole will just fuel the desire to play another round. Now anybody can do it. Let's make a space. The room makeover specialists coming to the Cascade Village Shopping Center November 1st. We don't know where they were stuck here. We have to get out there getting closer to one of them. Lever. We have a lot this Halloween. The city of Melbourne is under siege. Something is spreading that cannot be contained. There's only one way to survive.