Charity Appeal for Donors

Profile photo for Marty McCarthy
Acheivement Badges Rising Star
Television Ad


This is a project for which I provided the voice over narration, a 120 second TV commercial to be aired internationally on CNN. It is an appeal for donors from the United Nations World Food Program. This was done as a live directed session via Skype.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Les Mis is just six years old. She lives in Yemen and has lost both her parents to war. And as the conflict continues, she often doesn't know where her next meal is coming from. six month old Mohammed is also at severe risk if he doesn't get more help, a war like the one in Yemen is leaving Children and families vulnerable to starvation because when conflict hits hunger strikes even harder. But for just $19 a month, you can join World Food Program USA to make sure hungry Children like Mohammed and Yemen and around the world continue to get the food they need to survive. If we don't receive the funds that we need, we're literally talking about hundreds of thousands of Children alone dying in the next few months, visit this website or call the number on your screen and don't delay this is an emergency and no one should have to starve because of conflict, thankfully today is the day you can provide the food and the hope these Children need because the United Nations World Food Program is the largest humanitarian organization in the world delivering food to millions of people every day. But we rely entirely on donations from people like you and without that support, more innocent people will face starvation. So visit WFP or call this toll free number with your $19 monthly gift were on the ground every hour of every day delivering meals to millions of people including Lamis every day but many more are facing severe hunger right now. The situation is urgent and your support can mean the difference between a child eating today or facing starvation helped provide food to someone in need today, go online or call now.