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Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
every 24 hours, you get a whole new chance to take on the world. Get yourself ready with Carnation. Instant breakfast. Great days. Start here, honey. What do you think of this little red two seater car? You gotta be a wild woman to drive one of these mean machines. Some women have ellipses smooth as they talk. So supple, so luscious. They make anything sound fascinating. Maybelline need a new car, a used car ready for an upgrade. Then come to Billy Bob's on a warehouse wave. Got it. When a child has a life threatening illness, most people think there's nothing that can be done. But there is. Each child has a dream or need or a wish. So next time, use Federal Express reliable on time courteous service. So your package arrives where it's posting when it's supposed to. Federal Express gets it there