American Female Commercial

Online Ad


This is a spot I did for Safe Yields, as more of a toned-down, yet authoritative performance. They wanted it moody yet conversational.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Imagine investing without being susceptible to market volatility. We made it possible with safe yields, a reliable ecosystem that guarantees constant valuation of your money with a secure and transparent protocol, just like a stable coin. The safe token is backed by real assets. Each time safe is bought, it's minted and each time safe is sold, it's burnt, making it mathematically impossible to drop in price your money. And a slight tax go into the US DC vault pool. In the meantime, safe's value increases forever because it is deflationary with volume from either buying or selling. But what if there is no, well, that's when our ecosystem comes into play, you can buy our N F T S as shares of the protocol. So regardless of volume, you benefit from stable rewards and saves constantly growing price as part of the profits go to safes us DC vault pool, we are already planning for our future together with more utility and reliability in mind. So you can trust your investment in a public and secure smart contract. Save yields a token mathematically impossible to drop.