Voice reel in English | Female VO | NGO | Documentary | East Africa

Video Narration


Audio reel: VO for TV promos, corporate films, entertainment news.
Age: 20 to 45
Style: Versatile.
Experience: 10 years (VO for TV/Radio/FIlms/Corporate videos/IVR/etc)

Vocal Characteristics




East African (General) Kenyan (East Africa)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
empowering women and girls fuels thriving economies, aspiring productivity and growth. Yet gender inequalities remain deeply entrenched in most societies, particularly in contexts of widespread poverty. According to Unhcr 86% of all refugees in Uganda are women and Children who are often subjected to various forms of discrimination, which limits their access to adequate protection, justice and substantive representation. Following the outbreak of the civil war in South Sudan honey bars, Uganda, kenya Ethiopia DRC and the Central African Republic as training to accommodate the refugees. The influx put pressure on the economy's natural resources, legal infrastructure, security forces, food and water. In August 2016, b. d. p. d. settlement in human district. Uganda was open to these refugees fleeing the conflict. One small act can change the course of a child's life. One book, one teacher could open up a world I never knew bringing me to where I am today. One small act changing a life lasts a lifetime. Action is possible. We are calling on social media platforms to introduce due process guarantees, honor the emission statements and stand with us to defend our rights when platforms take down our content or suspend accounts, we want them to not fire us and clearly explain why our content has been removed. We want platforms to use clear and simple language to explain how we can appeal that decision and where content has been wrongfully taken down, it should be reinstated. We want platforms to be more transparent about the way they moderate content, publishing the number of takedowns and account suspensions, appeals received and the outcomes. Such guarantees from social media platforms will ensure we all have a voice, a voice to exchange ideas, a voice to engage with others and a voice to hold decision makers to account. Yeah.