Profile photo for Marcus Burke
Not Yet Rated


A sample collection of character excerpts showcasing a hero, a slothful cat, and a playful explorer

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
mm. Good morning clouds. E cute little ball club fluff. You! You want to go outside? Okay, I'm coming. Whoa! That storm is rolling in rather quickly clouds. E? You sure you want to go outside right now? Hey, wait for me. This isn't any ordinary lightning isn't closing? No, no. Oh no. The lightning has struck the love lands. We have to chase off the sky gods before they completely destroy the love lands. You ready? Cloudy! Today Seems like an exciting day. I wonder what I'll come across today. What adventures await sir. Tom perhaps there's something tasty on the other side of town. Maybe Miss Johnson has some of those tuna sandwiches she gave me last week in. Ah Those would be perfect, fishy and smelly. Just how I like my food. Humans are not so bad sometimes. What? Who is that? Who dares come near my den. Which way should I go? Let's go on this way. A this looks like a map. I'll follow the trail to the castle. I bet that's where bobo is gonna need some more supplies first. There must be other clues in this forest. Let's find them. Mm