Ineos Grenadier Sales Video

Video Narration


Slightly over the top, adventure style delivery....

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the granite deal. You want to test it by it? Use it with no smooth, no sales way promised to make buying and owning your granddaddy a straightforward from start. To finish our expert team of people who speak your language. They discredit you as you are there from your very first question buying on beyond. You need a service extra kit for your next job or are ready to upgrade to your next grenadier. They're always up to speed with what you need. We promise toe only ever deal with you on your terms to let you visit as just a cz ur what boots, dogs and all. And that where you choose to discover and test right, The granite here is up to you from our hub to your home on any where in between, we promise to put you in control. No sales push no pressure to keep you updated without pestering. Only give you the info you need and to deliver your grand idea. Whatever works best for you to make maintenance and service and easy whatever you are without hubs Bush service centres on flying spaniels to get you back on track fast. No mucking about will always give you a C and how we do things and help you get stuck in from training without technicians to online resources, honour events, expeditions on much more the granite dear built around you.