Snow Falls Soft on the Hidden Valley

Profile photo for Marcus Williams
Not Yet Rated


Western novel

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
He was fast, but no man can react and draw leather against a weapon already out and point it at him. But then a split second before I pulled the trigger, his horse stepped into the river and he dropped down. My bullet sailed over his head. I readjusted my aim and fired again. The element of surprise was gone and he was twisting off his horse. I saw the bullet strike his shoulder and he fell back, his hat fell from his head and I saw the flash of his hair white as snow. I aimed down and missed his leg by a nat's tail. By now, his gun was out and he dove into the water behind a rock. He came up firing but missed white on his first shot. I instinctively aimed for the muzzle blast and fired again. This time hearing the unmistakable oof of bullet hitting flesh. I'd heard that sound 1000 times. He fired again and I felt a sting across my ear. By now, I was off my horse and running for cover behind an old oak tree, the trunk as wide as I could reach a bullet smacked into the tree. And I felt shards of bark pepper my face. I went down low, peeked out and fired at a shadow. Sparks flew as the bullet ricocheted off of rock rock yelped. And I fired again. Knowing that was my last bullet, I reached down to my belt and began reloading the cylinder as fast as I could. I tried to recall how many shots rocket fired. I didn't think he was empty. I proved to be right. When another round buried itself in the dirt at my feet. I moved back further behind the tree for better cover and then silence.