‘23 Super Bowl + Grammy campaign | He Gets Us organization

Television Ad


Part of the He Gets Us campaign broadcasted on the 2023 Super Bowl & Grammy transmissions. Currently airing on US national television and digitally worldwide.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Spanish (Mexican)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There was a mother and a father who had a son. He lived in a small village and didn't have much money. But they were happy one day they heard the head of their country by sending soldiers to their town because he thought they were part of an insurrection. The young family decided to flee. They grabbed only what they could carry and ran. They hiked for days wondering if soldiers might still be following them. They were scared hungry and exhausted but they were far away from the atrocities taking place in Bethlehem. That's all Mary and Joseph wanted a safe place to call home.