


This is a project in which I was the voice over in spilling some important information about the nomads. I constructed my own spill. The video actually has a background music(in which I also edited) but the one I sent here is raw.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
known as the wanderers and travelers with a small number of people yet almost conquered the whole Eurasia. They are the no man's let us travel way back to history. No meds are referred as wanderers because they don't have a specific place where they live in. They move from one place to another. That is why they are also considered a specialist when it comes to horseback riding. As for the serious science documentary. Despite having no certain territory, they are also a specialist and military and archery. They protect the place they currently stay in and even rate of their settled civilizations, they attack burn places and still thinks they are not that easy to catch because they don't have a place to look for them, so they just keep on running and running until the opponents get tired of chasing them. They aren't really bad as its sins. They only do it for a survival. They trade the safety of the settled civilization to the tribes that are reading in return of something else. Best example for that is their deal with the chinese civilization. They made a political deal that they will no longer raise the china's territory just as long as they give them silk for free. And then of course they sell the silk for any cause since they had it for free, giving them the title the greatest trading center of silk. Since they roam around different areas, they eat whatever is available in nature. They commonly choose to live in Cape and if there is none, they just build tents near bodies of water. Since water is a basic human need, they even make their own tools using stones way back in stone ages. For food, they hunt and raise some animals. Lastly, they protect their bodies by making clothes from animal skins, silk they get from straightening and lives. Can you imagine living a life like the new meds? Nowadays, the word nomad is already used to describe people without permanent home, who wears just anything and who teaches anything? But the question is, do they even know the history it holds?