Television Commercial or Radio Demo Reel with Adult Male

Profile photo for Mark McCurley
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


This Commercial demo real show a variety of top brand commercial spots that highlights my range and depth.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when you have the choice. Stay curious and never stop dreaming. Life is meant to be enjoyed one smooth sip at a time. Duterte Verizon is going five G. Now. Your business can to ultra fast, ultra powerful Verizon five G. Ultra wide band. It's the perfect hug. Not too tight, not too loose. That is if they were made for you always there and only gets better with age. Levi's for women, wealth management is an ever evolving journey with the personal attention I get with morgan Stanley. Makes me feel like we're part of the same family. That's why I've always trusted their guidance to help me reach my ultimate financial goals. How good can a plant based burger actually be? It can be better than good. A 100% no meat beyond burger at burger five for the road traveled the least or the most. Get there on the truck. Built for whatever path you choose. Start your electric adventure in the Rivian R. one t.