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Promo Demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I know what you're thinking. I'm a horrible dad. Her birthday is tomorrow and I don't have a gift. Okay? Yeah, I'm a schmuck. But I do have Amazon prime, which moves tomorrow. She'll have Hasbro's Don't step in in a game where she has to dodge. Yeah, I'm a terrible father. We're here because of him and them. And Walter and Sheila Jones sharing a hospital room like they've shared everything else for 65 years. Wear Johns Hopkins. We are the healers. You ever laid asphalt? Let me tell you, his dirty is a job gets middle of July sweating like a dog on a cloud in the sky. This is hard work. Hard work requires close at work card. So I'm a Dickey's man because Dickie's makes the clothes I need to get the job done. These air your feet, they're attached to your legs, which are attached to your tour. So you have a big flesh sack that's attached to your head and arms. They move in rhythm off the hill, across the beach, on the trail, in the bedroom, a turn that off in the gym and through the water. What you put them in matters like Just do it. Maybelline fit me loose Finishing powder, Six kinds of mascara and body glitter True love is shopping yet Wal Mart for my wife Check out Guy mentioned they were also having a two for one on stockings. Laundry. Thanks.