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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Maureen Rivers. When out of state billionaires support John Doe, they get tax cuts for big business. When Big Energy supports John Doe, they get efforts to loosen pollution regulations. Don't let John Doe sell out our families to the highest bidder when it seems like nobody in Washington is listening. Tom Reed held 145 town halls to hear our concerns when it seems like Washington doesn't care. Tom Reed led the fight to save our power plant, Save Lakeshore Hospital and keep jobs here. Tom Reed shows up, listens and gets things done because he cares. In election years, Rick Nolan poses with these guys, these turkeys and, unfortunately, this hat. But that's just for show. Nolan doesn't get basic gun safety and doesn't know how many shells go in a duck gun. But Nolan does know how to vote against your gun rights. So when it comes to our Second Amendment freedom, don't be fooled. Rick Nolan is nothing but a poser. The Nara Institute for Legislative Action is responsible for the content of this advertising