Audiobook -- Classic Novel

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Excerpt from \"The Minister's Wooing\" by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Novel included many different characters (each of which I gave a decidedly unique sound) both genders, several nationalities and races.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic) North American (US New England - Boston, Providence) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the ministers willing. Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, Missus Katie Scatter had invited Mrs Brown and Mrs Jones and Deacon Twitch ALS wife to take tea with her on the afternoon of June 2nd. When one has a story to tell, one is always puzzled which end of it to begin at. You have a whole core of people to introduce that you know and your reader doesn't. And one thing so Presupposes another that whichever way you turn your patchwork, the figures still seem ill arranged. The small item, which I have given will do as well as any other to begin with, as it certainly will lead you to ask. Pray who? Waas Mrs Katie Scott er, and this will start me systematically on my story. You must understand that in the then small seaport town of Newport, at that time, unconscious of its present fashion and fame, there lived nobody in those days who did not know the widow Scudder in New England settlements, a custom has obtained, which is wholesome and touching off in noble ing, the woman whom God has made desolate by a sort of brevity rank, which continually speaks for her as a claim on the respect and consideration of the community. The widow, Jones or Brown or Smith is one of the fixed institutions of every New England village, and doubtless the designation acts as a continual plea for one whom bereavement, like the Lightning of Heaven, has made sacred. The widow Scudder, however, was one of the sort of women who rain queens in whatever society they move. Nobody was more quoted, more deferred to or enjoyed more unquestioned position than she. She was not rich. Ah, small farm with a modest, gambrel roofed one storey cottage was her sole domain. But she was one of the much admired class who, in the Speech of New England, are said to have faculty a gift which among that shrewd people commands more esteemed than beauty. Rich is learning or any other worldly endowment. Faculty is Yankee for savoir faire and the opposite virtue to shiftless nous