American podcast PSAs educational informational

Profile photo for Melissa Epp
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


produced and voiced

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to the joy of stress, helping you transform your worry. To wonder if you're listening to this audio program, You have taken an important step towards moving forward in your life. This program is designed for you to help you let go of all your worries and doubts in life. This is reality. Nearly half of all LPS Children are on free or reduced lunch, Nearly 40,000 Lincoln ites are living in poverty and half of all americans are living with a chronic illness anytime you join a new industry there's always a learning curve but the I. T. Security industry is particularly challenging. No other I. T segment contains so much jargon. The sheer number of acronyms, buzzwords, compliance regulations and security technologies is enough to make anyone's head spin experience, refreshing moments of calm balance and peace anytime you want through meditation as you relax, feel your stress melt away, discover how meditation can improve your physical mental and emotional health by alleviating stress, meditation can improve your physical health. Some physical benefits include reducing the risk of stress related illnesses, decreasing heart rate and blood pressure enhancing immunity, improving health of bodily systems. Meditation produces a deep state of relaxation.