Radio Imaging: Hot AC, English, Real, Valley Girl

Profile photo for Mese Smith
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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Sometimes it's good to overindulge. It's just fine. I love the music, especially on non stop music. It pumps me up. The best music. This is Star 96 5, a weekend buffet of music, heavy helping of the eighties, a splash of the nineties and a dash of today's favorites. June 99. The artist you love with some guys, This is Justin Beaver. Hey, this is Maroon five Getting you Through the Work day. Hey, this is Selena Gomez. Hi, I'm Liz O B one a 1.3 music on stress off commercial free hits to help you face whatever comes your way. Sunny one Oh 2.3. When the best varieties on the radio love the variety, it's a party in a box. I love your station. Turn it off the breeze. 101.5. Your station for today's best variety. My music, My station all day long. I love it. Be one oh two. Giving you the motivation you need to get through your day with upbeat variety from the eighties nineties and more mix one oh five