Energetic and Snarky Sour Patch Kids Video Game Case Study

Profile photo for Michael Coffman
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Here is the back half of a Sour Patch kids case study of a Cannes award in a dry, sarcastic tone with some energy mixed in here and there.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we wanted to try something different. Instead of more tv commercials, we made a video game for I box and the Sony game stage in a world gone sour. You get to shoot out of cup cannons awesome. Do sick wall jumps parkour, Oh, creepy baby what? Parker swinging off a vine. Watch out for that nacho show. Oh and we got creed bratton, the weird old dude from the office to guide you through the video game when, if you can lose if you must, but always cheat, he's kind of super helpful kind of and when it came time to tell people about the video game, we tried something else different. We made a dope music video with method man, dope, coming back out the cracks. This ain't candy wrap, this is where the, not only did we go with meth, meth the meth, we even let him keep the line about the ***** pump. The internet loved the video, it got some view loving websites, give it article loving and we made a ton of friends on the facebook There we unleashed the kid, he became our star blogger and finally the internet got the snarky commentary, It had been missing. So there you go. We help folks get to know our sour sweet friend a little better and we did it all with a tiny candy dude that can't even talk, sounds like somebody's having a party in their belly, hope you like the video jerks, just kidding, I really respect your judgment