Narration | S&C Electric - Microgrid Display Table Video



With a focus on technical details, this narration showcases an educational voice that could fit instructional, informational or otherwise stat-heavy reads. This demo underscores ability to read clunky details in a way that still sounds conversational and relaxing the listener for maximum retention.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
How can we tell a complex story about micro grids and the future of energy in a concise way that makes sense to a varied audience? SNC asked us to help tell their story of micro grid technology at the distribute tech conference. Our challenge was to show micro grid complexity in a clear way, so potential clients will view s and see as the solution for micro grids. So to learn more about micro grids and the customers, SNC would be speaking to it. Distribute tech. We ran a workshop with key stakeholders at Snc's Product Development Center. The workshop was structured from a human centered perspective to shift thinking, understanding the concerns of consumers that would be a distribute tech. After learning more about microgrids as well as the fears, needs and wants of the consumers, SNC would be speaking Thio Way were able to start the prototyping phase way created a Siris of paper prototypes to understand the scenarios and use cases for micro grids. Collaborating with our clients enabled us to figure out the most important stories we needed to tell and at what point in the customer journey they were needed. After prototyping, we ran beta tests for the U X and linking the main screen to the four touch screens surrounding the table. We invited our clients to be part of the final testing and gain their feedback to shift the experience accordingly. The results saw increased recognition of SNC as a leader in micro grid integration and increased media interest around SNC's involvement in micro grids, in part to the impact we made with the demonstration. Further, SNC has requested duplicate reproductions of both the experiences for five of their customers. SNC is planning to take the micro grid experience to the Distribute Tech 2019 show in New Orleans, with improvements to further make an impact with visitors and tell new stories. Furthermore, in 2017, SNC had 197 leads. Micro grid to micro grid leads went from 69 in 2017 to 116 in 2018, which is a 68% increase. SNC Air investing in upgrades to add additional scenarios to better communicate with potential clients,