Explainer - Narration - My ABDR App

Profile photo for Michael Newcombe
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


An explainer video for a new app.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is John John as a bleeding disorder, so he's got lots of tedious routines just to keep doing the things he wants to do. He has to treat himself when he's meant to all the time over and over again and keep his treatment diary up to date, a real pain. Manage his treatment products. So he's always got enough and a clinical reviews. Try and remember exactly what's happened since the last visit. Even if he does all that, his treatment centres still got to enter every detail into the Australian Bleeding Disorders Registry before it's much use. Meanwhile, all John wants to do is get on with his life. But today, John discovered my Abd er. It's an app that makes all John's routines quick and easy. Best of all, it's on his smartphone, so it's always at his fingertips to help manage his condition. From today, John can record regular treatments in under five seconds if there's a bleed to treat recording that is just as easy. The kind of bleed where attach a photo if he wants products used and how much with the info he enters. The APP keeps track of his product and tells him if he's running low or nearing expiry. A timer even shows him how long since the last treated himself. My a BDR connects directly into the Australian Bleeding Disorders Registry. So next visit to the Haemophilia treatment Centre. All that info is there ready for his doctor to make sure he's getting the best care possible? John is already feeling more in control with all his info in his hands. My a BDR will streamline the way he manages his condition so he can get on with life. And it's not just for individuals. It's great for parents or carers of more than one person with a bleeding disorder, switching easily from one to the other. My Abd er is a world first designed by people with bleeding disorders for people with bleeding disorders. It's working for John. Let it do the same for you. Register for my a BDR today