Rough/Raw Demo

Profile photo for Michael Suggs
Not Yet Rated


A rough demo made out of auditions or lines recorded for roles I have been cast in across different projects for each spot.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh, hello, someone's looking awfully cheery today. Um maybe not. Sorry, I still suck at reading human emotions. Welcome, welcome aboard. My name's Abel I'm the ship's Ai and I'll be taking care of you today. Oh, we're late for class, aren't we? Zen? I've witnessed my wife's death ran into the depths of **** for my ******* demon. And now I've got a bunch of kids convinced I'm getting them out of this place. I never promised anything. I'll try. But judging is how the enemy is a bipedal. 11 ft tall area 51 experiment with a nearly omnipotent power at hand. I doubt we will. I've got to hand it to you kid. I thought you were a pushover just hiding behind your team. But look at you now. The last one standing out of the rest of these, nobody's we go win at night. We plant dynamite around the camp and we sent her a lot. Will stay asleep. If anything goes out, you'll know how to use your iron. I didn't mean to I swear it was an accident. I didn't know that. Well, my phone broke. Please don't shoot the messenger. Hey, gramps, calm down. Just what is going on