Animation Reel

Profile photo for Charlie Sanderson
Not Yet Rated


My most recent animation reel, showcasing some of my favourite characters. Kids, bullies, bees, an American pony and a few super science geeks.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


British (England - East Midlands, Leicester) British (General) Spanish (Central American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What you doing, Mr Tompkins? I'm making a rocket. I'm going all the way to space. Can I come? I can't see. When did it start snowing? Stress you content to the bio So amusing that let me take a look. Now you're ready. Hello. Do you have any honey, please? I really like honey. Sorry. We're waiting for the honey bees to deliver the nectar. 00 What are they? I don't know. And they better be here soon. Or the queen won't get any honey for the afternoon tea. Wow, honey. Next a squadron. Do your co pay? Guys, guys, come cheque out is you were assisting. You know you never learn, do you? Now, why don't you? Paris? Well, I destroy your stupid enemy. Battened the hatches, set the sails, scrub the poop deck Upton, but nothing, you lily livered rascal.