Conversational/Natural Demo: Click Here!

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Here's a quick collection spotlighting only the much-sought-after \"natural/conversational\" style. Several different levels of energy. They're all nice examples of one-to-one communication. Contact me for a custom audition on YOUR script

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is what the inside of your computer looks like. And this is a processor, the brains of your computer, me, the sun and me to talk to you about bright health. The health insurance that revolves around you were sort of an expert at having things revolve around me like, you know, planets and stuff. Hey, Jimmy, this company has wall to wall WiFi, Walter Wall. It's for your Internet. It's natural to dream from the moment you open your eyes. A but your mind is running our minds. Air dream machines good. All of our agents are currently assisting other customers. If you'd like to receive a call back when the next agents available, Yes, in some places, if you want napkins or ketchup, you have to leave your table. Walk across an entire restaurant. Then when you get there, it's not even what a burger. Fancy ketchup. It's just ketchup.