Variety! 2018: A Whole Bunch In Just A Minute

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Some new clips in an all-purpose collection showing what I can do with commercials, explainers, phone menus, industrials; friendly conversational or traditional delivery. Contact me for a custom audition on YOUR script.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
and now a six second get away to a windswept white sand beach from Minnesota. Lottery. Charbroiled sliders starting a just up buck only at Carl's Jr and Hardee's at Johnson and Johnson were always striving to add the very best people to our team. And the advantage will go to those who connect with candidates in the most relevant and meaningful way. Thank you for calling. Regal Beach Club Located on world renowned Chef in Mild Beach Your body wasn't made to sit around all day staring at a screen. It's time to stop staring. Stop binging, start doing that's right. Beaufort, a small seaside town in the heart of the South Carolina low country. This is an attack ad you could tell because I have a creepy voice and there's scary music. D N A. Stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. Not many people do. Great. Scott, what have I told you about Time travel? This is an oil refinery. This is a lead refinery. This is a beer refinery. Hey, Jimmy. This company has wall to wall WiFi. Walter Wall. It's for your Internet