FRENCH ACCENT, conversational, wildlife, documentary

Profile photo for Mike Drew
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Video Narration


World Wildlife doco, Caring , charismatic , genuine , informative , knowledgable , concerned , educational , sincere ,

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


French (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
everything is connected. The forest, the wildlife, the river and us. Every small thing has an impact, but the forest can't protect itself. And without the forest, we won't survive. Power stations have to protect 600,000 hectares of rainforest. It starts with us. You can't have a rescue center. If you don't rescue wildlife, someone has to free them from the snails where we are. People knows they can't poach. If they do, we'll catch them. It's hard work patrols last six or eight days. Sometimes we go 48 hours without sleep. During the rainy season, it's wet. The roads and trails get washed out, equipment breaks.