Video Game Demo



Range of characters for video games. Produced by Chuck Duran, coaching by Erin Fitzgerald. American English as well as mid-atlantic accents

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
matt. It's okay. Listen man, you have to understand we're family now. Whatever happened back there, let it go. I'm scared too. But we have to go and we both know the truth. Yeah. You've killed before and tonight I'll make you do it again. Excuse me? You aren't seriously charging $5 for dead flowers. They look like trash. What kind of a street vendor are you? Oh, don't you dare give me that stink eye you son of a bit. What the ****? You assholes dragged a bloody security guard into the basement like it's nothing and expect nobody to find him. You are going to have to explain this because I'm out. You're both dead. There's nothing to worry about. The giant pres marine colossus and I are gonna work this out and everything can get back to normal. This picture depicts the oracle as the goddess of light herself. She doubtless prove a powerful ally if she could be persuaded. Hey, listen, I propose giving him mouth to mouth. But you know, with the mask and the spikes, it's kind of cheap. How about you do it? Okay, now we're done playing soldiers. Let's have some real fun. I'll do a little bit of, I don't know, crime scene investigating or a delightful scavenger hunt. Which one